Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 11 en Costa Rica; Lunes, 24 Mayo 2010

Today was a bad day for me. Nothing seemed to “suit me”. I think I am just beyond tired! A new bed, a new family to interact with, a new Spanish teacher at CPI, a new town to figure out, cloudy and rainy all day, and 4 hours of sleep. I had a moment or two of extreme homesickness! Monte Verde may be a lovely town, but you can’t see it!
My new family is a young couple. No children. Allen and Helen have been married for 4 years. Allen spent 3 months in Montana – 10 years ago – working in a coffee packaging and shipping company…..similar to what he was doing in Costa Rica. He speaks a little English and I speak a little Spanish….so between the 2 of us we speak “Spanglish” and are able to communicate. We spent a lot of time talking about music – likes and don’t likes. He played some of his music and I shared some of mine. He showed me 100’s of pictures! I shared the pictures of the snow and he showed me lots of pictures of his trip to Montana (also in the snow)! He works in a tourist souvenir shop which has a place for live music, open on the weekends. Helen works at Poco y Poco hotel…on the computer….all day…Maybe in reservations/front desk. Helen is also a student. She has night classes on Wednesday and Thursday night. She is studying accounting.
My new Spanish teacher is difficult. She is young, married, has a 2 year old daughter. She rides a 4-wheeler for 1 hour to CPI for work. I can understand why…the roads here are AWFUL! She tolerates no English in Class…insisting that we talk to one another and ask our questions in Spanish. I guess that’s her strategy for forcing us to learn! It’s not working! It’s frustrating… 2 classmates agree

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